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Josh Earnest had a hard time being eloquent last week. He tried his best to make sure that he closely followed the administration’s six year old script, avoiding the word Islam except where he could refer to it as a religion of peace. In fact, he had a hard time at first describing it as an act of terrorism, exclaiming that we should certainly wait for all the facts before labeling it as such. Maybe facts such as the nut-jobs screaming Allahu Akbar as they sprayed the innocents with bullets didn’t quite make it to his desk. Who knows. But he assured us that Islam is a religion of peace. At least three times. Remember, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”  It just may however, belong to those who slaughter in the name of the prophet of Islam. Just don’t mention the “I” word.

Not wielding a 5 iron...

Charles: Not wielding a 5 iron…

The press did their best to seem outraged as well by the attack on freedom of expression. In solidarity with Charlie Hebdo, they made it a point to print grammatically correct descriptions of cartoons that Charlie had published in the past. How courageous. You need to understand, one would guess, that the liberal editors in the mainstream press determined that there was certainly no need to inflame Muslim passions around the globe while defending one of the cornerstones of western civilization. Hell, it’s not like Abhu Graib, where they were falling all over themselves to publish horrific images that would support their agenda of informing the world of just how evil the west and the United States really are. Ah, those were the days. Quite sure that they were hoping that French authorities would capture one of the oppressed freedom fighters. They would have done their level best to make sure that no one got water boarded, that’s for sure.

Over a million people marched in Paris on Sunday; possibly double that number marched around France to show solidarity for Charlie, the French people and freedom of expression. It’s probably fitting that president Obama was a no-show. After all, the United States used to be thought of as the leader of the free world, warts and all. The current administration of course has always focused on the warts, unabashedly ashamed of the US and her legacy. But this is on the surface, quite telling; an insult to the French people and an embarrassment to the United States. Remember, the first world leader to visit the United States after 911 was French President Jacques Chirac. The boy king could find no solidarity with the French people, or any of the other fifty-plus world leaders who marched in Paris? I’m sure he could have found at least one person to bow to, at least one aggrieved group he could have apologized to for the evils the US had visited upon them. Maybe he had a great tee-time. Or maybe as he has said in the past, “if the political winds turn ugly I will stand with the Muslims.” Go ahead, claim that I’ve taken this out of context if you’d like. I know when he said it and why. But no one has even suggested that we inter American Muslims; and yet the political winds are blowing ugly and they’re blowing from mecca. They blew straight into the office of Charlie Hebdo and a Parisian Jewish Deli.

If our Muslim educated president is concerned that Muslim Americans might suffer the same fate that Japanese Americans had, he need look no farther than the suburbs of Paris. Or Dearborn Michigan. Or Minnesota. Or Lewiston Maine for goodness sakes. When the Muslim populations reach density, they start isolating themselves, declaring their neighborhoods “Muslim” and off limits to others. Self-interment one could call it. A silent invasion to be accurate. If there were over seven hundred white enclaves in Paris where people of color were not welcome, Eric “the not-so-great” Holder would have found time while in Paris to visit with any aggrieved person denied access to the restricted blocks, likely inviting Al Sharpton in to perform his ritual cleansing through extortion.

Maybe our next president will take this threat more seriously. Maybe not. We seem to ordain men of little courage let alone character. The main stream press does it’s best to ensure that those principles that don’t support a march toward socialism are the only things labeled “terroristic.” Everything else is “workplace violence.” And what of the financially strapped Hillary? If she was president, she’d make sure that anyone who produces a video that inflames passions around the world would be the guilty party of the violence that ensues. The pen is mightier than the sword; but it must be a politically correct ink. Of course, the press doesn’t feel the need to explain to her that she too seeks to crush freedom of the press, a freedom that they should be the most sensitive to. But here we find a press possibly complicit with, but most certainly sympathetic to an ideology that seeks to destroy the very institutions and over-all fabric of the United States. An ideology that is deeply rooted in most of the socialist governments of Western Europe. That any government should allow “no-go” zones with separate laws within their sovereign borders is only less frightening than a press that would willingly ignore it to help these governments remain in power, with no questions or concerns about the freedoms they are slowly allowing to die in the name of what they all believe to be the “greater good.” Jake Tapper’s feigned embarrassment is the best they could muster.

Had I the financial means, I too would have walked with the free Frenchmen in Paris. I would’ve asked them why they didn’t march right through one of these “no-go” zones. You wish to take back your county; you can’t do it from a distance. You can’t do it with the politically correct mentality that these seventh-century zealots use to their advantage. You’ll need to march through the streets of France with the spirit and determination of Charles the Hammer. Is there a new Martel anywhere in Europe?

You have been invaded. It’s time to act like it.

So Ferguson burns again. It matters not what the verdict was or how it was reached. Facts never come into play when we’re dealing with emotions and a false narrative that’s been promulgated and supported through destructive liberal policies that serve only to divide this country and keep poor those who need to hear and face harsh realities of the truth. No, it’s better to let Al Sharpton declare that the search for justice is not over. Justice you see, is an outcome desired, not a conclusion reached. And unless the desired outcome is provided, lawlessness must continue at the expense of those who can afford it least; those who are used as human fodder for the great leaders of the people of color, people like Sharpton and Eric “everyone’s a coward but me” Holder. People like Michael Brown who grew up under the crushing weight of the chip on their shoulders, placed there by those who only wish to profit off old wounds, ever safe in their gated communities while the Michael Brown’s of the world stew in their learned hatred for the police and their white neighbors; people who, they are repeatedly taught, hate them for their color. Better to hate the evil whites first, with great intensity and fervor. Never, ever, let anyone accuse you of being too “white.” Especially if that means taking responsibilities for your own failures, your own lot in life. And always make sure your children never rise above your own hatred.

Martyr; suffered the consequences of the chain of events he set in motion.

Martyr; suffered the consequences of the chain of events he set in motion.

I grew up in the era of the civil rights movement. I too cried with shame when Martin Luther King was gunned down. I grew up in the poor neighborhoods, the minority on our streets, observing racism only reversed. The great first lie taught to my young black friends was that it was okay for them to hate me because I was white, as they couldn’t be racists. Far away, in another distant land that none of us had ever been to in a time long before we were born, a great injustice was done to people of color and that act alone now defines every black in this country. Not according to me mind you, but to those like revered Al and Eric “the not-so-great.” For it is the leaders of the black communities, those community organizers who wish to maintain that status of slave that entitles them to hold on to the great claim of victim, always just in their terror, always above reproach and law. They have knowingly and willingly morphed into the great bogeyman they spent the last fifty years condemning. New heroes and martyrs have replaced Martin Luther King, Mumia Abul-Jumal the new standard-bearer. It is this sense of justified entitlement that allows them to grasp the throats of shopkeepers a hundred pounds smaller than they to pilfer a box of contraband cigarillos, then reach into the window of a police cruiser in order to disarm a policeman. In each case, the mere mention of these facts gets one labeled and pilloried, for it does not support the narrative of the victim who was simply minding his business when he crossed the path of a crazed, power-hungry white overlord with a badge. We must believe at all costs, or mayhem will ensue. Justified, angry mayhem. And so it goes. Ferguson burns again at the behest of Brown’s stepfather who implores the victimized class of looters to “Burn this bitch down!”

When the smoke clears on Ferguson, shopkeepers will wonder if it’s worth ever bringing commerce back to their town. Many will never be able to re-open, costing the community the jobs and revenue it needs to keep another generation from the debilitating grips of poverty. And again, it will be someone else’s fault, maybe the evil shopkeepers; some who must surely be people of color unless they’re simply “white Interlopers.” But more likely, it will be the fault of the evil white man and the police; maybe even an officer who is responding to an emergency call for an infant not breathing. Will he respond to the next call in downtown Ferguson, or will he look at the color of his lily-white hands and realize that he doesn’t belong there? For he is surely not welcome. And he may just end up the target of a civil rights investigation by Eric “These are my people” Holder, the attorney general of people of color only. And what if he chooses not to respond; will the city burn again because he doesn’t?

I had to turn away from the television after President Obama said we are a nation of laws. This from a man who rules as if he were a king, enforcing only laws that drive this country farther apart and ignoring the very oath he swore to uphold them all. Sadly, he is not a leader; he is and always will be, a community organizer. For if he truly were a leader he would have realized that he and Holder had a duty to uphold the findings of the grand jury and instruct those who wish to protest that they do so at the risk of legal consequences; that the time for violence was well over and would no longer be tolerated. Sadly, neither he nor Holder is up to the task.

As I watched the looters go from shop to shop, tearing their own town apart, stealing in the name of Michael Brown, I wondered how many of these cretins would have dared to cross the bridge in Selma. The struggle then was for equality and dignity. Now, they look for flat screens and cellphones, PlayStations and Nikes, free for the taking, requiring only a little anger, a mask for your face and a well-placed brick. Things they are entitled to. The struggle for equality must well be over.

What they’re struggling for in Ferguson now remains to be seen. But as Al, Eric and President “stay the course” Obama have implied it’s not over yet. Maybe it will be when the rest of Ferguson smolders; or perhaps, the rest of the country. It all depends on how you define justice. And when that definition is a race-tainted emotion, poisoned by those who might well have led, justice is a dream that will never be achieved.

Give CNN the Pulitzer price for obvious; they posted an article today indicating that Americans’ trust in their government is at an all-time low. Imagine that. By imagine that, I mean, “imagine that the fawning sycophants in the liberal press even bothered to report it.”

Of course, they just couldn’t report the numbers without some little point of reference; that Americans haven’t really trusted their government since Watergate. You know, Nixon and all that. Geez, I thought we stopped trusting our government because of George Bush. Or maybe some you-tube video. At this point, what difference does it make?

I am not a crook. Period.

I am not a crook. Period.

Apparently, according to the poll, “Just 13% of Americans say the government can be trusted to do what is right always or most of the time, with just over three-quarters saying only some of the time and one in 10 saying they never trust the government.” All this against the backdrop of the anniversary of the Watergate scandal. Scandal. Remember that word.

Of course, CNN goes on to parse the poll data several different ways, their ultimate goal a little unclear. The larger point they seem to want to make is that those who lived through Watergate believe that Watergate was a very serious scandal. In fact, they state “Fifty-one percent of those questioned say Watergate was a very serious matter because it revealed corruption in the Nixon administration, with 46% saying it was just politics – the kind of thing both parties engage in. The 51% is unchanged from 14 years ago, when CNN last asked the question.

Of course, they note that there is a big generational divide, with a majority of those over forty believing that Watergate was very serious while a majority of those under forty believe it’s just politics. Interesting. Now why would those under forty believe that anything as serious as a president involved in a cover-up of a petty crime is nothing more than politics? Simple. The press that brought down the republican they hated the most at the time made sure that we all knew just how serious it was. In fact, I remember sitting on the couch with my ever-loving father, a die-hard Nixon fan, on the day old Tricky Dick hopped aboard Marine One for his final exit from the grounds of the White House. All my father could say was “good riddance, the lying bastard.” That press no longer exists. Those under forty are inundated with infotainment and propaganda, often times very hard to distinguish.

Fast forward to lying under oath, committing perjury. The press instructed us that the most beloved, first black president was being railroaded over nothing but a sex scandal. It’s only about sex. Everyone lies about sex. Except of course, if you’re not the first black president and maybe just a young black resident of Chicago accused of taking advantage of a young intern, well that’s different. Then it’s not about sex, it’s about rape and or sexual harassment and maybe with time off for good behavior, you get out in ten to fifteen years. It all depends on what the meaning of the word “is” is. And of course, it helps if the first lady of the first black president was on the legal team against Nixon, well then of course, Watergate was far more serious. Serious enough for her to lie in her duties and be removed from her position.

In any event, the Hated Nixon left office on his own. Buh-Bye. All over what those under forty believe was just politics. A scandal. But politics nonetheless. There haven’t been any scandals since. Or at least in the eyes of the press, none as serious.

I can’t just poke the press in the eye however. Those of us over forty spawned those under forty. And what did we teach them? Not a whole friggin’ lot apparently. Did we really teach our children that it’s okay for our elected officials to lie to our faces, whether it’s over an eighteen minute gap on a tape, a stained blue dress or the ability to keep our doctors? Period? Yes, we have. And we have allowed the press to walk away from their social contract with America to be the independent watchdogs they once were. The eighteen minute gap that caused us so much grief in the past has been surpassed by years of multiple email accounts wiped clean for the benefit of an administration that used the power of taxation to harass and destroy those with a different political perspective. And, we are told, there is not even a smidgen of corruption. All phony scandals, nothing more than politics.

Oh how we miss “deep-throat.” How many of those under forty even know who that was, without confusing that moniker with Monica? How can we as citizens demand from our officials exemplary behavior when we’re not even willing to press for answers or can be bought with O-Phones and EBT’s? We allow the press to be nothing more than apologists and front men for this administration, keeping us distracted from the death of border guards being killed with guns supplied to their murderers by our own government or IRS commissioners of the most transparent administration in history pleading the fifth in a “phony” scandal. “Hey look over there, it’s Kim Cartrashian!” Apparently, if you like Kim’s butt, you can keep Kim’s butt. Period.

We’ll never trust our government again, because we can’t be trusted ourselves. We hold the press in such low regard that we trust them in numbers almost as low as we do our elected tyrants. But it is we who prop up both this government and those who shield them from our scrutiny. We can’t be bothered to go to the polls and run these miscreants out of town any more than we can convince ourselves to get our Kardashian-sized asses off the couch and simply turn the channel away from the dedicated propaganda machine that tells us all is well. Or tells us we’re haters if we don’t believe it.

When the history of this country is finally written, our progeny will wonder what it must have been like to live in the most powerful, the most free, the most fair and equitable society in the history of the world. And they’ll hate us for destroying it, leaving them with the bankrupt shell of a balkanized society free from personal choices, free from personal liberties, free from personal responsibility and totally free from scandals. And maybe, in some far off history class in a federal re-education camp called “high school”, some under-forty person will find a tape of Nixon, the most hated man the press had ever met before George Bush, and watch a man voluntarily walk away from the greatest, most powerful office in the world in order to heal the divisions that his leadership brought to a nation he truly loved.

That we don’t bother to elect men like that any longer is, truly, the real scandal.

Want to see what a fundamentally transformed America looks like? At least in progress? Take a look at the pictures below. We’re well on our way to a country with third world demographics; illiterates, people with very few skills or the ability to care for themselves. Diseases we haven’t seen in this country for decades. Over-crowed inner-city schools where no English is spoken. People who will take far more from society than they will contribute. Love it or hate it, admit it or not, call it a racist screed if that soothes your anger, but it’s here. You’re looking at the future of the Democrat Party, the party that will be the party in power for decades to come. The party that will continue to promise other peoples’ milk and honey to those who come here illegally, those whose first act, not matter what you say, was to break the laws of a sovereign nation, to come and enjoy the fruits and labor of others. Call them dreamers if you like. For the rest of the country, the dream is over.

A thank you would suffice....

A thank you would suffice….

If you knew this was what fundamental transformation was, would you have voted for him in the first place? If this had occurred in his first term, would you still have voted for him a second time around? Yes, there are those of you who will defend this to the end. The end of this country as we know it. And as we progress down this trans-formative road you voted for twice, when your children are forced into low paying jobs, being taxed unmercifully to continue to fund these Democrat voters, you can be comforted with the notion that you were not racist, you were not a bigot, you were standing on the high moral ground, spending the treasure of others, your children included, to ensure that your compassion continued to flow unabated. But as minority voters are beginning to realize, it’s not about compassion; it never was. It was about your guilt, using your compassion to keep the slow march to socialism alive. You have bought into it. You own it. Too bad you couldn’t be forced to pay for your compassion on your own without infecting the rest of society, much like the infections we are seeing flood across the borders now.

If Obama had a son....

If Obama had a son….

Suffer the little children...

Suffer the little children…

After decades of broken politics in Washington, and eight years of failed policies from George W. Bush, and 21 months of a campaign that’s taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

We ask how we could ever send them back. They'll figure it out o their own...

We ask how we could ever send them back. They’ll figure it out on their own…

Probably the only promise this man has ever kept. No matter. He told you what he was going to do, and you voted for it. We have arrived. We are now a more just society….equally poor, no stronger than any other nation, shamed into submission for our excellence, embarrassed to have led the world for so many years. Let us now suffer for our transgressions of having freedoms we were willing to die for, judged by those who were willing to have us die for them, all the while secretly hating us for the things they themselves were unwilling to strive for. We have the right to destroy that which we have built.

But at least we’re transformative…

We are, or were at one time, a nation of laws. Laws we hoped would be applied equally to all citizens of this country. Justice is blind; well, she used to be. Now she’s as partisan as hell. Her scales of justice tilt wildly in the breeze, blown by whatever popular whim or politically correct trend is currently in fashion. Or by whatever voting bloc, no matter how truly representative of the greater population, happens to be the protected flavor of the week. Odd, we once imagined rights that we were endowed with; certain unalienable rights. We declared these rights to be so. Of course we declared to have been endowed with them by a creator; and seeing as that term in and of itself is now deemed to be so oppressive, obviously we must let other men decide what our rights are. And we let them create the laws to govern us. And we let them exclude themselves from those very same laws, apply them with prejudice or ignore them at their will. It would appear that we fought to over throw ol’ George III so we could create our own king some 240 years later.

I didn't know I was elected until I heard about it in the press...

I didn’t know I was elected until I heard about it in the press…

We can all be political at times. I however, and I’ll pat myself on the back here, have no interest in shredding our founding documents or destroying the fabric of this country to win an ideological point. I expect that when someone holds their hand up in a solemn oath to uphold the laws of this country, they damn well better. The shame is, we have passed that point years ago. And we passed it whistling by the graveyard the whole time, afraid to cause a “constitutional’” or other kind of crisis, either because we are not paying attention to those we empower to govern us, or because we are too fractured a population to even care anymore. So we’re stupid or complicit, take your pick, in the destruction of the greatest country ever to grace this planet. Oops, my politically incorrect patriotism is showing…Shoot, I gotta watch that, lest I offend those hyphenated Americans who came here looking for the American welfare dream, unable to call themselves Americans because they have a sweet spot in their hearts for the very place they escaped from in the first place.

As I write this, thousands of non-citizens (can’t say illegals, can’t say foreigners, etc.) are flooding the southern states after being led to believe that the current administration’s policies will welcome them in; once they land they can stay. We’ll just ship them from there to places like Boston, or Virginia and no harm no foul. Hey it’s the dream act; someone dreamed up being able to force the rest of the country to pay for these folks from this point on. And pay we will. Additional unskilled labor means wages will drop, even given the wonderful largess of the Democrat’s pushing a higher minimum wage. Of course, once minimum wages increase, available jobs will disappear. Be ready for that. Fewer jobs mean fewer people paying for these democrats-to-be, forcing whoever might be left working to pay higher taxes to fund their “in state” tuitions, Obamacare costs, SNAP, Obamaphones; you name it, we’ll fund it. And we’ll be called racist or some type of “phobe” for daring to complain about it. Think the Democrats are alone here? Think again. The Republican Party can’t seem to provide the US Chamber of commerce with enough cheap labor to keep their members happy and their marble bathrooms clean.

When do we as a nation decide when we have had enough? What will it take for us to realize that we are not as divided as those who wish to rule us would like us to be? For as long as we are distracted, looking with great disdain at one another, they will continue to walk up behind us to whisper in our ears how “the other guy” is the problem and they are the solution, if only we continue to keep them in power and wealth.

The only oath these people have ever taken is to themselves. They look us straight in the face and swear to uphold the law of the land, to be our servants, looking out for our best interests, after which they proceed to sell us into poverty and plunder our rights, wealth and freedoms. Whether we like it or not, we have immigration laws. The government would rather sue the states that try to enforce the very same federal laws they ignore themselves. Why federal tax dollars should be allowed to flow into “sanctuary” cities that skirt federal law is beyond me, although explainable. Who would prosecute the mayors of these cities? Obama? Holder? It is their job to do so, but they will not and neither we, nor the press will demand that they do so. Someone might call us a name.  Remember, this is what your current democratically elected Tyrant promised:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

And yet, laws that he passes, he enforces only when it suits him. Others he ignores; many he skirts. And his supporters make excuses for his behavior, quite sure that anyone who speaks of his failures is full of hate. Until someone from another party comes in to try the same thing, then they squeal like an endangered species of pig suffering the effects of global warming. And in the meantime, countless citizens are being harmed by the very government they elected to serve them.

The last time an administration used the power of the federal government illegally against its citizens, the press led the charge for impeachment. Remember the left hated Nixon with a great fervor; Ask Hillary, although she was fired from the house judiciary committee, but that’s another story. Yes, old Dick decided to use the IRS against his foes; this is from Article two of the Articles of Impeachment:

acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavored to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposes not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner.

The end result wasn’t that Dick got run out of town. No, the republicans met with him face to face and told him to get the hell out. And somehow, for the good of the county, and seeing as it was the only right thing to do, he boarded Marine one and thank goodness, we were finished with him.

Where is that type of leadership in the house today? Where are those watchdogs of the press now? Where any good watchdog should be one would guess; asleep at the foot of their master’s bed, protecting him from harm. Woof. They eagerly wag their tails as Lois Lerner gets paid her handsome pension to laugh in the face of the very Americans she used her agency to intimidate, her empty hard drives of no concern to a press that once hemmed and hawed over an 18 minute gap created by a hapless secretary of a hated president. Try telling the IRS you don’t have the last seven years of your tax returns; your hard drive crash will net you five-to-ten at the Graybar Inn and Suites, with an entrance fee that garnishes your wages for life and takes your home. Lois thanks you personally for funding her retirement.

You can spin this any way you’d like; Blame Bush, blame global warming, call it a war on women, say it’s racist, blame it on a friggin’ video if you want. But this administration is lawless, is abusing its power in order to radically and fundamentally change this country, as it promised it would. Is this the change you intended? Is this how you believe your government should behave? Whatever excuse you use, whatever blame shifting technique you’d like to employ, one thing is for certain; the pendulum always swings back. You may have a hard time gaining sympathy from those of us who are working three jobs to make ends meet, if we are lucky enough to be working in the first place.

Long live the king….

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